Micro-Market directly to Highly Engaged Sports Fans during the Broadcast of Live Pro Sporting Events
Accelerate Awareness & Conversion
NeXT Media enables brands to micro-market directly to demographically aligned consumers, in specific geographic areas, during and after the broadcast of live professional sporting events.
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About NeXT Media
Who We Are
We are NeXT Media, the next generation of digital marketing. We provide you with the unique opportunity to connect directly with fans (consumers) using our high engagement 2-touch digital ad product during and after the broadcast of live professional sporting events, without the need for a license. You get to 1:1 market directly to fans during the game.
What We Do
NeXT gamifies your digital marketing experience by bringing highly engaged sport fans directly to you during and after live pro sport games through our NeXT Rewards Fan Engagement App.
How It Happens

How It Works

Our fans, via the NeXT Rewards app, are challenged to pick the outcome of Pivotal Moments during the broadcast of live sporting events by guessing the outcome of a “What Happens NeXT?” style of question (i.e.: Will the Packers make the 51 yard field goal?). Fans earn reward points when correct. Fans play the Pivotal Moments to earn points to redeem from the NeXT rewards catalogue and to bet with friends without financial risk. After the game fans receive high value Post-Game Offers from brand partners.

The NeXT Rewards app focuses on the underserved casual sport fan group that represents 80% of the fan market and is segmented 45% female, 55% male.


Targeting 80% of the Fan Market

Brands purchase the in-game Pivotal Moments and Post-Game Offers to reach fans with their message and logo in targeted geographic areas. The 2-touch digital ad product connects brand with fans, during and after the game in a rewarding and meaningful way.

What Makes it Possible

The NeXT platform is powered by a proprietary Data Exchange Decision Engine that monitors millions of bits of real-time sport data from live games and identifies through an algorithm, Pivotal Moments in the game.  A Pivotal Moment is a real-time live event that has an unknown outcome (e.g. a penalty shot, field goal, home run, corner kick). We deliver 10 Pivotal Moments to our fans in every game. Each one of those Pivotal Moments when purchased is a digital micro-marketing opportunity for your brand.

Our World of Areas

Our 2-touch digital ad product is as much about marketing your brand during live pro sports games as it is about enabling you to reach directly to demographically aligned fans in relevant geographically defined areas after the game. The product enables you to 1:1 market directly to your specific audiences.

An Area is defined by the geo-mapping of approximately 250,000 people identified by postal / zip codes. Each Area is a micro-market for your brand. You can purchase Pivotal Moments in all areas that are relevant to your brand. Each Pivot Moment purchased enables you to market directly to fans in those areas during and after the game.

NeXT’s 2-Touch Digital Ad Product

NeXT Media enables brands to micro-market directly to demographically aligned consumers, in specific geographic areas, during and after the broadcast of live professional sporting events.

The First Touch Point: In-Game Pivotal Moment

Market directly to fans in specific areas using our high engagement in-game Pivotal Moments during the broadcast of live pro sports.

Pivotal Moments are micro targeted, segmentable, highly visible digital ads that are geo-targeted to specific areas available during the broadcast of live pro sports. They are unique to a fans second screen delivering a high engagement experience to drive brand awareness.


The Second Touch Point: Post-Game Offer (PGO)

After the game, send a direct 1:1 high valued offer to the fans who played your Pivotal Moments in your specific geographic areas.

Post-Game Offers are personalized, limited time, highly visible, exclusive coupons that are available after the game. They are unique to the fans second screen delivering a high value experience to drive brand conversion.

How Brands are Using the 2-Touch Digital Product
Direct to Customer Solutions:
Get your message, promotions and offers directly in the hands of your consumers:

a. Pivotal Moments:
Promote your brand in-game in specific areas

b. Post-Game Offers: Customized coupons to deliver promotions and offers directly to your targeted customer
On-Premise Solutions:
Support your On-Premise strategy to promote visits and increase dwell times:

a. Pivotal Moments: Support your On-Premise partners or your specific locations in-game to promote awareness and visits

b. Post-Game Offers: Customize coupons for free or discounted product while on-premise after the game and for future visits at all partner locations
Retail Solutions:
Reward your existing and new customers directly for the purchase of your products and services:

a. NeXT Points: Reward customers directly for purchasing products: “Buy product X at any retail location and get NeXT points”

b. NeXT Points: Cross brand with suppliers and locations to reward customers for buying specific products in a promotion: “Buy a dozen chicken wings and a beverage during the game and get NeXT points”
Benefits of Using NeXT

Our 2-touch digital ad product is cost effective, provides a 1:1 reach and allows you to geo-target your marketing spend during pro sports without the need for a license or prohibitive sponsorship costs.

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Improves Conversions - the Power of Sport
Watching live sports triggers a highly emotional responsive behaviour in fans universally. 78% of sports fans directly associate this positive emotional euphoria with the brands they see during the games they watch. Brands who associate themselves with pro sports see 2.4 times the sales impact over other ad channels.
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Reaches Direct to Customers – Geo-targeting
Brands have the opportunity to connect directly with fans within a defined geographic radius for each Pivotal Moment they purchase resulting in a 1:1 micro-market engagement. This 1:1 engagement occurs through the Post-Game Offer after the game, capitalizing on the fans intensified brand awareness achieved during the game when playing the Pivotal Moment.
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Saves Money – Better ROI
The cost to reach a defined group of fans is 45.8% of the cost to reach the same number of fans using Google digital ad channels. Brands receive immediate usage and consumer demographics data to measure the effective ROI from each Pivotal Moment and Post-Game Offer purchased.
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Access – 1:1 Reach
NeXT enables brands who otherwise would not be able to advertise during the broadcast of live sports due to cost, to micro market directly to fans on a 1 to 1 basis during and after the live games without the need for a license.
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Demographics – Relevant Personas
Primary audience is the underserved casual fan group that represents 80% of the sport fan market and is segmented 45% female, 55% male across all representative profile and preference criteria.
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Engagement – Fan Experience
NeXT wants its fans to win and earn points. The “What Happens NeXT?” style of questions are primarily binary (yes / no answers) and fun to play giving fans a unique and rewarding user experience that promotes retention and repeated play delivering a diverse group of sport focused consumers to brands.
Learn More About NeXT Media
Connect with NeXT so we can show you how easy it is to GET STARTED
Learn how effective it is to micro-market directly to highly engaged sports fans during and after the live broadcast of pro sporting events.
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